Why Do Dachshunds Have Bad Breath

Why Do Dachshunds Have Bad Breath? [What You Need to Know]

Have you been wondering why your Dachshund has some god-awful breath? If so, you came to the right place. This charming breed is notoriously known for their bad breath, leaving even the most loving dog owners scrambling to find the air freshener. 

So, why do Dachshunds have bad breath? 

Dachshunds typically have bad breath due to their unique dental structure. Dachshunds have a tight-knit dental structure partnered with an elongated body which causes a recipe for undesirable breath. Plaque and tartar build up due to these physical elements due to the nearly impossible-to-clean dental structure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we will dabble into the mystery of this stinky breath and how you can fix this. 

Why Do Dachshunds Have Bad Breath?

dachshund bad breath

A primary contributor to the poor breath of Daschunds is the breed’s unique dental structure. These adorable sausage dogs typically have overcrowded mouths with teeth being very close together. You’re probably wondering how this has anything to do with breath.

Tight-knit Teeth

The compact structure of the Daschund mouth is essentially a paradise for bacteria and tartar build-up. Since Dachshunds teeth are in a very tight space, bacteria can reproduce even quicker since there is less space. This also allows tartar to build up since the teeth of the breed are so small and tight-knit.  

As food particles get stuck between the Daschund teeth, bacteria go to work and feast on the remaining food. The small dental structure makes it almost impossible to clean certain parts of the mouth, which answers the obvious question all owners posed: Why not just clean their teeth more often? Unfortunately, flossing and brushing are difficult tasks, allowing plaque to build up and harden into tartar.

Tartar is a severe factor in why these dogs get yellow dogs teeth. In addition, tartar contributes to the bacteria problem, leading to a louder and more unpleasant odor. 

Owners constantly experience this awful dental cycle amongst their precious dogs, leaving most owners to hesitate before giving their Daschund a smooch.

Eats Very Frequently

Get this: Dachshunds possesses an exceptional sense of smell. However, this allows them to run into greater issues, including their urge to find anything to eat. The unique breed’s impressive scent enables them to scope out many more forms of food than other dog breeds.

Dachshunds make the most of their resources and constantly look for their next meal. Their agile bodies enable them to fit in inaccessible places, including kitchen countertops and garbage cans. They will not hesitate to munch on a leftover, leading their stomachs to indulge in unusual combinations resulting in a pungent dogs breath. 

By now, you should know that their playful nature aids in their unpleasant breath. Dachshunds are naturally curious creatures who indulge in adventure in all aspects, not just food. Their less-than-fresh breath reminds the owners of their curious and mischievous side, resulting in experimenting with all types of food.

dachshund eating

Drooling Excessively

If that is not enough, the Dachshund breed, like many others, tends to drool. Unlike with other dogs, the slobber from these adventurous creatures can be almost unbearable when considering the mixture of saliva and lingering food particles. 

Owners all across the world are constantly bracing themselves when being fortunate enough to encounter the saliva from a beloved Dachshund. 

Acid Reflux & Regurgitation

The elongated bodies that the Dachshund’s possess put them more at risk of having dietary and digestive issues that include acid reflux and regurgitation. 

These conditions can construct another layer of stench. For one, acid reflux is a disease that results in stomach acids traveling back into the esophagus, leaving owners holding their noses and praying for an air freshener. 

In addition, Regurgitation is also very common in the breed, which is a digestive disorder in which food is not properly digested, resulting in swallowed food returning to the dogs mouth, producing an awful stench.

What Can You Do for a Dachshund’s Bad Breath?

After all this, you’re probably sitting here thinking to yourself, as cute as these dogs are, there’s no way in hell I will purchase a Dachshund. Or maybe, you already own one and have lost all hope in combating its distinctive dog breath situation. 

Fortunately for both parties, there are solutions to this ongoing problem. Here are five different ways to fight your Dachshund’s bad dog breath.

1. Prioritize Dental Hygiene

As we’ve learned today, Dachshunds are not engineered with the greatest dental structures. Their unique teeth are a primary contributor to their awful mouth odor. 

The first step is to provide daily brushing using dog-friendly toothpaste and toothbrushes, this will eliminate plaque and tartar buildup. 

When brushing, it’s important to keep in mind that you should start at a slow, balanced pace and build up more and more tolerance to ensure your furry friend isn’t uncomfortable.

2. Professional Dental Cleanings

dachshund teeth

It’s highly recommended to schedule proper dental cleanings with your veterinarian to ensure the job is being done properly. Ideally, every 3 to 6 months, a visit is scheduled should provide great results in the fight against unpleasant odors.

3. Providing A Healthy, Balanced Diet

Not only does dieting properly affect a Dachshund’s health, but it also has a drastic effect on its dog breath. Consider buying high-quality dog food, and ask your veterinarian for any recommendations. 

Purchasing Dental friendly treats can also help prevent unpleasant odors. Some treats can clean teeth and freshen breath. 

4. Exercise And Hydration

Exercise and proper hydration are very successful remedies in preventing bad dog breath for a Dachshund. Get this: everyday exercise can help stimulate digestion and improve intestinal health. 

Healthy digestion patterns can reduce the lingering odors of food particles drastically. Partnering this with proper hydration, which helps prevent dry mouth, is a remedy for success in combating a Dachshund’s unfortunate mouth odor.

5. No Human Leftovers!

Although it may seem like an unloving thing to do to your beloved pet, avoiding table scraps is a key contributor to the ongoing issue of preventing stinky breath for Dachshunds. 

Humans have a diverse diet which can negatively affect a Dachshund’s digestive system resulting in stinky breath. It’s best to avoid treating them to some human dishes. They will still love you the same, don’t worry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I be concerned if my Dachshund’s bad breath persists despite dental care?

Persistent bad dog breath is a heavy indicator that your dog may have issues that are beyond just dental care. These may include underlying health issues, and you should visit the vet immediately. 

Can certain medications affect a Dachshund’s breath?

Some medications can cause dry mouth and or alter the balance of bacteria in the mouth. If your Dachshund is on medication and has bad breath, contact the vet.

Are there any home remedies I can try to improve my Dachshund’s breath?

While some home remedies may provide temporary relief, it’s important to stick to what works. Consistent dental routine care is probably your best bet. This includes daily brushing and flossing, as well as maintaining a balanced diet for your dog.

Last Words

By now, it’s clear that Dachshunds are cute dogs who simply have bad breath. However, unpleasant mouth odors should not prevent anyone from adopting or purchasing one for themselves, and it definitely should not make owners want to get rid of there.

These creatures simply have a unique dental structure and poor digestive properties due to their elongated frame. Unfortunately for the breed, their curiosity gets the best of them, exploring several different food options, resulting in poor breath.

This shouldn’t discourage anyone from owning one of these, as there are many ways to avoid this problem. Serious dog owners and lovers should have no issue treating their Dachshunds correctly, as seen in the steps above.

Now that you have this formula, you should have no trouble with your Dachshund and its poor breath. Every problem has its solutions, some just require a little more effort. 

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