dachshund eating

How Much Food Should I Feed My Dachshund? [Full Guide]

Your dog deserves the best food to live a long and happy life. How much you feed your dachshund plays a significant role in their energy levels, longevity, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Understanding how much to feed your dachshund depends on its life stage, activity levels, and current weight level. Given their smaller size, miniature Dachshunds require no more than 1 cup of dog food daily, while standard Dachshunds require no more than one and ¾ cups daily.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about feeding your dachshund.

How Much Food Do Dachshunds Eat?

Although sausage dogs don’t need as much food as larger dogs, the quality of dog food is very important. Out of all small breed dogs, developing a good feeding schedule for your dachshund will likely take more trial and error.

How much food should I feed my dachshund?

Feeding your dachshund twice a day due to their small stomachs is best. A standard adult-sized dachshund requires 900 to 1000 calories daily, while an adult-sized miniature dachshund only requires 300-400 calories daily.

If your dachshund is a working dog and expends more calories, add 25% more to compensate for their added energy output. Dachshunds are both high-energy dogs and prone to obesity.

For this reason, it is essential to feed your dachshund nutrient-dense foods. Supplementing their diet with wet food will help with digestion and keep them better hydrated, which can help maintain their energy levels.

What is a Standard Dachshund Diet?

Dachshunds are carnivores and prefer a raw food diet. It is becoming more popular for dog owners to make their dog food. Otherwise, this type of diet can get quite expensive.

Of course, there are certain risks associated with cooking homemade dog food. You must be sure that you’re feeding your dachshund a well-balanced meal and also understand that they will have different nutritional needs from puppyhood to adults and senior dogs.

However, the reward is giving your doxie a better quality of life, allowing them to avoid health complications and realistically extend their life.

Should I Feed My Dachshund Wet and Dry Food?

Consider a wet and dry food diet if you cannot afford to feed your dachshund homemade dog food. Wet food is excellent for digestion and hydration, while dry food is great for dental hygiene.

When your sausage dog gets into its senior years, it will have more trouble getting around, whether arthritis or natural aging. Transitioning them to an all-wet food diet is recommended to help combat this problem. Wet dog food will keep them better hydrated and their joints lubricated.

Are Dachshunds Picky Eaters?

Dachshunds are among the top 10 dog breeds known to be picky eaters. Among the other dog breeds are the French Bulldog, Poodle, Boston Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Greyhound, Pug, Pekingese, and Maltese.

Always be consistent with your feeding schedule to avoid missed meals, and try alternating their meals with 2-3 different food options. Dachshund dog owners are well aware of this finicky behavior. Consequently, many are becoming quite the at-home chef.  

What Happens If You Overfeed a Dachshund?

Too much food, mainly in the form of carbohydrates, and insufficient physical activity will cause your dachshund to prematurely develop arthritis and other health-related issues such as diabetes and heart complications.

Carbohydrates are recognized in dry dog food as fillers, usually in the form of corn meal, rice flour, wheat, and soy byproducts. These ingredients are what make dry dog food dry and shelf stable. At the same time, these ingredients off zero nutritional value to your dachshund.

Labels found on dry dog food packaging, such as “with added glucosamine,” are mainly there as a marketing tactic.

Glucosamine helps the body break down carbohydrate byproducts such as corn meal, rice flour, wheat, and soy. If your body didn’t have these “filler ingredients” in the first place, there would be no need to take glucosamine in the first place.

How Much Activity Do Dachshunds Need?

Despite what many people believe, dachshunds are a moderately high-energy dog breed. Doxies were initially bred as hunting dogs, particularly badgers and smaller game. Long periods of waiting and stocking followed by short bursts of energy is what dachshunds are accustomed to.

An adult dachshund should get at least 45 minutes of exercise daily to maintain a healthy weight and keep them mentally stimulated. By no means can a doxie go on a 45-minute walk. Their short legs will get tired after about 20 minutes.

It’s recommended to split your wiener dog’s daily exercise into two shorter walks. If your dachshund is an outside-inside dog, then one walk should do. Your badger dog will keep itself busy chasing squirrels and digging holes throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

How much food should you feed your dachshund? It mainly depends on your dog’s age and daily physical activity habits. Due to their tiny little stomachs, Dachshund puppies require 3-4 smaller meals spread throughout the day.

Given their smaller size, adult miniature Dachshunds require no more than 1 cup of dog food per day, while adult standard Dachshunds require no more than one and ¾ cups per day.

Senior dachshunds will benefit from an all-wet dog diet to help with nutrient absorption, a regular feeding schedule, overall appetite, and better mobility.

How often and how many calories should you feed your dachshund? Feeding your dachshund twice a day due to their small stomachs is best. A standard adult-sized dachshund requires 900 to 1000 calories daily, while an adult-sized miniature dachshund only requires 300-400 calories daily.

Why isn’t my dachshund eating its food? Usually, it’s because of a lack of exercise or being a picky eater. Ensure that your doxie is getting plenty of daily physical activity. If their appetite has not returned after sufficient exercise, try switching up their dog food.

Dachshunds are not low-maintenance dogs, but giving them a daily routine will allow them to live long and happy lives. Feeding your dachshund nutrient-dense foods is the foundation for its overall health status. You are what you eat. 

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