Dacshund puppy

Dachshund Breeding Guide [Everything You Must Know]

So your reading this dachshund breeding guide and trying to decide if you should breed your dachshund or not. Maybe you were inspired by your dachshund, or maybe something else inspired you. You also may be wondering if this is the right thing to do, and if so, what steps do I need to take?

The truth is, breeding your dachshund is a major responsibility and should only be approached with good intent. Breeding your dachshund takes a lot of work and planning but can be very rewarding in the end.

If you are trying to decide whether or not you should breed your dachshund, then this dachshund breeding guide is for you. This guide will help you determine if breeding your dachshund is right for you and how to approach it in a step-by-step.

Let’s dive in.

Why Breed Your Dachshund?

There can be many reasons why someone would want to breed their dachshund, but the most common reasons are usually these two things: profit or passion for dachshunds.

Understanding why you want to breed your dachshund is very important because ultimately, what motivates you will result in how successful of a breeder you are.

If you happen to fall into any one of these categories, you may want to continue reading to understand what it could mean for you as a breeder going forward.

Breeding Your Dachshund For Profit

Consider reevaluating your stance if you want to breed your dachshund for financial gain. Breeding your dachshund requires more work and responsibility than one could imagine.

Here are some important facts you must consider if you want to breed your dachshund for profit:

Ethical Guidelines

Dog breeders must follow set standards when it comes to breeding dogs. Breeding your dachshund should be in the best interest of your dachshund in mind, not your wallet. It is not considered ethical to breed dachshunds for the sole purpose of money. 

One of the main motos a serious dog breeder goes by is “breed to succeed.” Remember, when you breed your dachshund, you are helping their species survive. Carelessly breeding your dachshund can hurt the survival of the breed.

If you decide to breed your dachshund, please consider the health and safety of your dachshund first. Take your dachshund to a vet and let them know you are serious about breeding your dachshund, then go from there.

The Costs and Investments

Look, it is easy to understand why anybody would think they could get rich selling cute dachshund puppies. The average dachshund puppy can go anywhere between $500-$3500, but only professional breeders doing their research are making money.

The truth is breeding your dachshund is an investment. It takes 9 weeks for a female dachshund to give birth. During that time, you must provide the best nourishment to your mother, dachshund, which means buying high-quality food and vitamin supplements.

Not only that, you will be required to take care of the puppies until they are at least 8 weeks old, as it is illegal to do so before then. There is a chance you could lose money, but remember, the best breeders do it for passion.

Non-Profit Reasons for Breeding Your Dachshund

Aside from money, there are other reasons why you would breed your dachshund. Below are just a few common examples of why one would breed a Dachshund without the intent of financial gain:

Continue a Bloodline

If you are an owner of a dachshund that has good genes, then it is a sign that you should consider breeding your dachshund.

An example of good genes can be health. If your dachshund rarely gets sick or hurt, then you may have a dachshund with good genes. A high-quality coat can also reflect its overall health as well.

Personality can be a sign of good genes as well. Desirable traits, such as loyalty and kindness, are often sought out by dachshund owners as it is considered a desirable traits.

To Share Your Passion for Dachshunds

As mentioned before, the best dachshund breeders are the ones who for passionate about their dogs. It is about keeping the dachshund breed alive and what dachshunds can do to make people happy.

The most well-known dachshund breeders are the ones that have had dachshunds in their families for generations. They breed their dachshunds to give to families. Outside of that, they are also trying to convince their friends to get a dachshund because of how awesome they are.

If you find yourself just as passionate, then it is a sign you will be an excellent dachshund breeder!

Potential Health Risks of Breeding Your Dachshund

You must be fully aware of the health risks of breeding your dachshund.

If you are an owner of a female dachshund, then you must check in with your vet. It is possible that your female dachshund could have uterine inertia, a condition that prevents the uterine muscles from not contracting during birth, resulting in death.

Taking your dachshund for a physical check-up can mean the difference between life and death. If your vet determines she is too weak, then you need to help build your dachshund’s strength by doing what the vet suggests or hold off breeding your dachshund completely.

Even if your dachshund is physically well, there is always the chance of complications during labor. If you breed your dachshund, you must be willing to accept the risks involved that come with it.

By now, you should know if you are comfortable with the procedure of breeding your dachshund. If you decide you want to breed your dachshund, then continue reading this guide.

Step One: Know Your Dachshund

You must know all the characteristics of your dachshund. Serious breeders must be able to identify the type of dachshund that they have and the genes that they possess. By knowing this, you will be able to communicate the details of your dachshund to a breeder to help you achieve the desired outcomes you want.

Identify Your Dachshund’s Body Type

Did you know that there are only three types of dachshunds that are officially recognized? They are the standard dachshund, miniature dachshund, and the kaninchen dachshund. They are distinguished through body type, which consists of height and weight

Below is a summary of weight and height differences between the tree types.

  • Standard dachshunds: between 16 to 32 pounds and 8 to 9 inches tall.
  • Miniature dachshunds: under 11 pounds and 5-6 inches tall.
  • Kaninchen dachshunds: weigh less than seven pounds and has a chest measurement of 30 centimeters.

It is important to note that the defining characteristic of a kaninchen dachshund is by the measurement of its chest. 

Unofficial Types

It is important to know that there are some unofficial types of dachshunds. These are unofficial because the worldwide breeding clubs don’t recognize them as they are nothing but mere marketing ploys. Usually, these are dachshunds that are either runts or have birth defects.

Avoid buying or partnering your dachshund with another dachshund labeled as “tweenie,” “toy,” or “teacup.” These are example terms that are not recognized officially by worldwide breeding clubs and can lead to birth defects and deformities.

Identify Your Dachund’s Coat Type

Aside from body type, the most recognizable characteristic is its coat type. While there is no defining best coat type, there are some coat patterns that you want to be aware of because certain ones are more prone to health issues than others.


A smooth-haired dachshund is defined by the smooth and shiny coat they have. The hair length is very short, making it the easiest to identify.


Long-haired dachshunds are well known for their long fur goats. Their coats are soft and slightly wavy. 


The wire-haired coat type is the happy medium of the other two coat types. Their hair is medium-length but is more dense than the other types. These types of dachshunds are the ones that have beards.

Coat Color

There are a total of twelve different coat color variations among dachshunds. The most common coat colors are red, light blue, fawn, and cream. The rarest color of dachshund is pure blue and tan.

Mixed colors and patterns result from the parents each having a different coat color. 

For example, a pure black dachshund that mates with a pure tan could result in chocolate and cream-colored puppies.

Coat Patterns

Color isn’t the only thing that defines a dachshund. There are said to be as many as 25 different coat patterns among dachshunds. One of the most sought-after dachshund patterns is the sable dachshund. It consists of a red base for the body, with the hair tips being black as an overlay.

Coat patterns are very important to keep in mind when breeding a dachshund, as some patterns have genetic defects tied to them. 

The double dapple pattern is a result of two dapple-patterned dachshunds that mated. It is known to have poor vision, more prone to sickness, and generally lives a very short lifespan. 

Make sure you thoroughly research what coat patterns are associated with genetic deficiencies. Doing so will help increase the chances of your dachshund having healthier puppies in the long run.

Identify The Unique Traits of Your Dachshund

Now that you know about your dachshund’s body and coat type, here is where you start to think about the unique qualities that make your dachshund special.

Describing what makes your dachshund special shouldn’t be too hard. For starters, think about their personality. Ask yourself, is your dachshund loyal, intelligent, kind, or brave? Does your dachshund get along with people and other dogs and is generally sociable? These are things to think about.

Another observation you should make is their performance in certain activities. Can your dachshund run fast, play fetch or do certain tricks? Maybe, your dachshund can swim really well or do something extraordinary like dance for food.


Once you have an idea of everything that makes your dachshund special, it is time to consider looking for a suitable partner.

Step Two: Finding The Perfect Match

This part of the dachshund breeding guide will help inform you on ways to find a suitable partner for your dachshund. 

The most common way is to connect with another dachshund breeder, but you may want to adopt another permanent mate instead. Each one has a different approach to finding the best mate.

Breeding Your Dachshund With Another Person’s Dachshund

One of the benefits of going to a breeder is that they care about the offspring just as much as you do.

That is because you are essentially entering a partnership that results in both of you receiving puppies. It can be beneficial because if your breeder is experienced, you can ask them for help or advice.

If this is the approach you want to take, then you will need to dive into the various different ways to reach out and connect with other dachshund breeders.

Do Online Research & Attend Dog Shows

The most efficient way to find other dog breeders is to search online. 

Ideally, you would want to find a local dog breeder in your community. Being local will make it easier to communicate with your breeder if any problems arise.

While you could use sites such as Craigslist, it would be wise to look at online communities such as the America Keenal Club first to find a breeder that is more trust worthy.

The AKC is known as one of the top elite communities that actively promote ethical dog breeding standards.

Another good opportunity to meet breeders is through dog shows.

Dog Shows can come in the form of local and statewide tournaments. They tend to attract enthusiasts who are passionate about dogs.

Taking your dachshund to a dog show is a good way to show off your dachshund and meet other dachshund breeders to get invested in puppies.

Agreeing to a Contract

You must sign a breeder’s contract once you find a breeder that agrees to lend their dachshund formatting.

The main reason for this is to establish an agreement between both parties in which both can receive benefits for exchanging resources.

In most cases, if the breeder lends a stud male, they are guaranteed one puppy and their choice of litter, while the female owner keeps the rest.

It is highly recommended that you make a contract to hold each other accountable so that no one is left empty-handed.

Adopting A Mate For Your Dachshund

If you do not wish to rely on others to help breed your dachshund, you could adopt a partner instead.

The benefits of adopting a partner are you don’t have to share any little of the puppies with another breeder and do not worry about abiding by a Contract.

When looking for a partner, consider looking for traits that complement your dachshund. Be sure to be open about your intent. It is also important to fully disclose that you intend to breed your dachshund with each other.

If you decide to adopt another dachshund, be aware that you must bear the responsibility of having two parent dachshunds. It is considered unethical to adopt a new dachshund just to have it breed and then give it up for adoption again.

Once you decide how you want to partner with your dachshund, you then have to decide on a potential time when they can mate.

Step Three: Setting Up a Mating Session

By now, you should be fully committed to breeding your dachshund. At this point, you may also be wondering how soon I can expect my dachshund to be mating. This segment will help you identify the possible times when a dachshund can begin matting.

When to Breed Your Dachshund

It is important to know that dachshunds can only go in heat about 3-4 times a year. The interval can change depending on age and the dachshund’s hormones. 

If you own a female dachshund, keep an eye on signs when she goes into heat. These can include an in-large vulva, excessive panting, licking her back end more than usual, and showing flirtatious behavior towards male dogs.

Dogs, in general, will stay in heat for between 2-4 weeks. They go through four different stages in a heat cycle. The time to pair your dachshunds will be the second stage, the estrus cycle, which occurs between 4-11 days of the heat cycle. This is the most fertile time for the female to breed.

After setting up a meeting session, you could expect to visit a vet as soon as two weeks to confirm a pregnancy. At this point, all your hard work is about to pay off!

Get excited as you are about to dive into the final stage of the dachshund breeding guide of how to prepare for your puppies. 

Step Four: Preparing For Puppies

If you are the owner of a pregnant dachshund, then the only thing you need to do is provide comfort and safety until the moment she delivers the puppies. As she approaches her due date, here is how to be prepared for when it happens. 

Provide a Whelping Box

A whelping box is another phrase for a nesting box. They are designed to support both the mother and the puppies in an environment that supports comfort and safety.

Whelping boxes can be bought from any pet store. The ideal helping box for a dachshund should be about 62 inches in width. You do not want to get one that is too big because it can cause distress for your dachshund as she will want to keep her puppies close.

A recommended place to leave a whelping box is in your bedroom. However, any room can do as long if it is heated and provides a soothing environment for your dachshund.

Be Alert For Signs of Labor

A dachshund will stay pregnant for around 9 weeks from conception. In some cases, it can happen sooner, which is why you always want to be paying close attention to your dachshund and keep an eye out for behavioral and physical signs of labor.

When it comes to behavioral signs, monitor your dachshund’s anxiety if she demonstrates that she wants you to be around more, that is a major sign that she is about to enter labor. She may also demonstrate nesting behavior and may not have much of an appetite that day.

In hand with behavioral signs, observe any physical changes as well. If her temperature drops below 100 degrees, she will enter labor within 24 hours. She may also experience more vomiting than usual and lick her genital area more frequently.

Have Emergency As Back Up

Make sure to have an emergency contact to vet for any complications. Naturally, your dachshund should be able to give birth with little to no help. However, complications can happen and you will want to be ready to act promptly.

If you have never experienced labor, then it might be hard for you to make a judgment whether or not you should make an emergency call. Below is a list of situations that warrant making an emergency call:

  • Your dachshund has been in labor for more than 24 hours.
  • There has been an hour in between birthing puppies.
  • Your dachshund is showing signs of strain when birthing.
  • Your dachshund is experiencing extreme levels of pain or distress.
  • Your puppies are showing unusual signs of weakness.

If your dachshund is experiencing any of the issues above, try to remain calm as you do not want to project your anxiety onto your dachshund. Making your dachshund anxious can further complicate things.

The most important thing to know is that you are doing your best. By being attentive and responding to any emergency, you greatly increase the chances of your dachshund having a successful pregnancy.

Final Words

By now, this dachshund breeding guide should have given you a general understanding of the processes involved when deciding to breed your dachshund.

Hopefully, this guide was helpful to you in deciding if breeding your dachshund was right for you or not. If you found that you are motivated to breed your dachshund, then you should now have an outline of steps to get started.

Remember, the most important thing is to be passionate about what you are doing. Reach out to other dachshund breeders in your local community and try to learn from them as well.

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