are dachshunds clingy

Why Your Dachshunds are Clingy: The Truth Behind Their Behavior

Why Your Dachshunds are Clingy: The Truth Behind Their Behavior

Have you ever wondered why your dachshunds are clingy? If you have, you are not alone. This post will explore the truth behind dachshunds’ clinginess, alongside expert tips on managing this behavior.

In fact, many dachshund owners have implemented these tips in handling their furry friends, and you will also find them useful.  

Table of Contents

    1. They Were Bred To Hunt in Packs

    Dachshunds were originally bred to hunt badgers. They would work in packs of dogs and learned to rely on their pack mates for support and companionship. This instinct to be part of a pack is still strong in today’s dachshunds. They want to be close to their owners and be part of the family pack.

    Separation and isolation are two of the biggest fears for dachshunds. They dislike being left alone and often become anxious and stressed in such situations. This is why dachshunds are often referred to as “velcro dogs” because they want to be attached to their owners at all times.

    2. They Have a Strong Bond with Their Owners

    Dachshunds form very strong bonds with their owners. They are loyal and devoted dogs that will do anything for the people they love. This loyalty and devotion can sometimes manifest themselves as clinginess. 

    Imagine how you would feel if your best friend left you alone for hours. You would probably feel miserable, and that is how dachshunds feel when their owners leave them alone. Therefore,  providing plenty of companionship for your dachshund is so important. 

    If you cannot be with them, consider getting another dog to play around with them or hire someone to walk them regularly. 

    3. They Are Anxious and Stressed When Left Alone

    scared dachshund

    As mentioned before, dachshunds can become anxious and stressed when left alone. They are social creatures that thrive on companionship. When isolated, they can become depressed, anxious, and even destructive.

    Listen, we get it. Sometimes you just need a break. Yet, if you are going to leave your dachshund alone, it is important to do so in a way that will not cause undue stress.

    That means providing them with a safe space, like a crate or dog-proofed room, and ensuring they have plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied.

     4. It Could Be a Sign of Illness

    If your normally independent dachshund suddenly becomes clingy, it could signify something is wrong. Dachshunds are prone to several health problems, so if your dog is acting out of character, it is always best to act on the side of caution and take them to the vet for a check-up.

    Illness can weaken a dachshund’s immune system and make them more vulnerable to infections. If your dachshund is sick, they may be clingier than usual because they seek comfort and reassurance from you. Think about it – when you are not feeling well, don’t you want your loved ones around to make you feel better?

    5. They Might Be Aging

    As dachshunds age, they can become more clingy. This is especially true if they are suffering from health problems or begin to experience cognitive decline. Old age can be scary for dogs, making them cling to their owners for comfort and security.

    Picture this, you are in your 80s, and suddenly you cannot remember where you live or how to get home. You would probably be scared, and your dachshund may feel the same way as they age.

    Be sure to offer plenty of love and attention if your dachshund is getting older. They may not have many years left, but you can make those last moments the best with simple acts of care.

    6. A Change in Routine Can Trigger Clinginess

    Dogs are creatures of habit, and they like their routines. A sudden change in your dachshund’s routine – say, you start working from home instead of going into the office – can trigger clinginess. 

    Dogs can sense when something is different, and they may become clingy as a way of seeking reassurance from their owners.

    If you change your dachshund’s routine, try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Introduce the changes gradually and provide plenty of love and attention. If you can keep their routine as consistent as possible, they will be less likely to become clingy.

    7. Your Female Dachshund Could Be Pregnant

    If your female dachshund is suddenly clingy, there is a chance she could be pregnant. Like human mothers-to-be, pregnant dogs can become more attached to their owners. They instinctively seek a safe and secure place to raise their young ones.

    dachshund in the beach

    If you think your dog might be pregnant, the best thing to do is to take her to the vet for a check-up. They can confirm the pregnancy and help you get started on the journey ahead.

    Research reveals that a mother’s love is important for a child’s development. 

    The same goes for pregnant dachshunds. Stress and anxiety during pregnancy can have a dire effect on unborn puppies. So, if your dachshund is expecting, give her plenty of love and attention.

    8. A Change in the Environment Can Cause Clinginess

    Dogs are very sensitive to their environment, and a change in their surroundings can trigger clinginess. This could be something as simple as a new piece of furniture being added to the room or a difference in the house’s layout. Even something as small as a new rug can be enough to upset your dachshund and cause them to become clingy.

    If there has been a change in your dachshund’s environment, try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Introduce any new changes gradually and provide plenty of love and attention. If you can keep their environment consistent, they will be less likely to become clingy.

    9. They Could Be Feeling Bored

    Dogs are social creatures who need interaction to stay happy and healthy. If you leave your dachshund alone for a long time, it may become bored and start exhibiting clingy behavior.

    Like human beings, dogs also need some alone time now and then. However, if your dachshund is constantly left unattended, it will get lonely. Make sure to give them plenty of attention when you are around, and consider getting them a canine companion if you will be away for some time.

    10. They Could Be Experiencing Emotional Trauma

    Imagine going through a traumatic event, like a car accident or a natural disaster. The whole process can worsen if you don’t get the support of your loved ones. That is what it is like for some dogs that experience emotional trauma.

    Dogs who have experienced trauma may become clingy and seek their owner’s attention to cope with the event. If your dachshund is exhibiting clingy behavior and you cannot think of any other explanation, it may be experiencing emotional trauma.

    Many things, including physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, and losing a loved one, can cause emotional trauma. If your dachshund is exposed to any of these things, it may start to exhibit clingy behavior.

    11. Their Clinginess Could Be a Learned Behavior

    Dogs are very good at learning behaviors, both good and bad. If your dachshund has been reinforced for being clingy, they may start to believe that this behavior is acceptable.

    For example, if you have ever given your dachshund attention when they are being clingy, they may start to think that this is the right way to get your attention. The same goes if you have ever given them a treat when they are clingy. They may start to believe that this behavior is rewarded and continue to do it in the future.

    12. Dachshunds Have a Lot of Energy, and They Love To Play

    Dachshunds are high-energy dogs, and they love playing. If your dachshund is not getting enough exercise, it may start becoming clingy as a way to release all the built-up energy.

    Dachshunds need at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, but more is always better. It helps walk them twice a day and gives them plenty of opportunities to play. If you can tire them out, they will be less likely to become clingy.

    13. They Could Be Hungry

    Dogs love food and are not shy about letting you know when they are hungry. If your dachshund is clingy, they may just be trying to tell you they need something to eat.

    Of course, this does not mean you should start overfeeding your furry friend just to stop them from being clingy. 

    But, if they’re acting out of character and you can’t think of any other explanation, it’s worth considering that they may be hungry.

    Ways to Minimize Their Clinginess

    If your dachshund’s clinginess is starting to get on your nerves, do not worry – there are ways to minimize their clingy behavior. Here are seven things you can do:

    1. Give Them Plenty of Attention When You’re around

    This one is pretty simple – if you give your dachshund attention when you’re around, they’ll be less likely to become clingy. That is because they will know they do not need to be clingy to get your attention – they will already have it.

    2. Give Them More Time Out and Increase Their Exercise

    Here is the deal, the more energy your dachshund burns, the less they will have to become clingy. It is that simple. Why? Because they will be too tired to be clingy. Just like when you are tired, the last thing you want to do is be needy or stubborn. The same goes for dogs.

    3. Get Them a Canine Companion

    If your dachshund is the only pet in your home, they may become clingy because they are seeking companionship. Getting them a canine companion – another dachshund or a different breed altogether – can help minimize their clinginess.

    4. Check with Their Vet

    If your dachshund’s clinginess is out of the ordinary and you cannot think of any other reason, it is an excellent idea to see a veterinarian. There is a possibility that an underlying health condition could cause their clinginess. Never rule out potential medical issues.

    5. Provide a Safe Space

    Dogs like to have a safe space where they can relax. This could be a crate, a dog bed, or even a corner of your home. If your dachshund has a place to go when they need a break, it will be less likely to become clingy.

    6. Provide Them with Mental Stimulation

    Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical exercise. For instance, you can give them puzzle toys to keep their minds challenged. This eliminates boredom and can help reduce clingy behavior.

    7. Train Them

    One of the best ways to reduce clingy behavior is to train your dachshund. This will help them understand what you expect and give them the confidence to be more independent. There is a variety of commands. Consider these 7:

    • Sit” – This basic obedience command will teach your dachshund to stay in one spot.
    • Down” – Commanding your dachshund to lie down is a great way to get them to calm down when they are feeling anxious or excited.
    • Stay” – Command your dachshund to stay when you leave the room. It will teach them that they do not need to follow you everywhere you go.
    • Come” – Calling your dachshund to come to you is a great way to get their attention when they are clingy.
    • Leave it” – This command is useful for teaching your dachshund to ignore things they are clingy about, like food or toys.
    • Drop it” – If your dachshund is being clingy with something in its mouth, you can use this command to get them to release it.

    A happy dachshund is always calm and relaxed in its owner’s company.

    Final Thoughts

    The question, “Why are dachshunds so clingy?” is one that many dachshund owners ask. The good news is that you should now understand why your dachshunds are clingy and what you can do to help reduce their clinginess. Try implementing some of the tips above and see how it goes. With a little patience and effort, you should be able to help your dachshunds feel more relaxed and reduce their clingy behavior.

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