is dachshund a terrier

Is Dachshund A Terrier [Everything You Need To Know]

Don’t let their cute looks deceive you. Dachshunds are as loving and playful as they are fierce and tough. If you are interested in Dachshunds, you might wonder whether they fall into the terrier or hound category. 

So, is a dachshund a terrier? The answer is yes, kind of. Dachshunds are originally a breed of hounds, but they were bred with terriers to improve their hunting capabilities. This means they are often classified as hounds but share the genes and traits of the terrier breed. 

Dachshunds originally served as hunters. They have specific characteristics that allow them to sniff out and track down their prey. This article will cover the terrier traits of dachshunds, the classifications of hound vs. terrier breeds, and all the information you need to know about dachshunds. 

Let’s dive in. 

Is Dachshund A Terrier?

Dachshunds are a breed of hounds but have been bred with terriers to inherit their traits. Dachshunds’ original purpose was to serve as hunters, and they were bred with other kinds of dogs to optimize their performance. 

Does this technically mean a dachshund is both a hound and a terrier? The answer is yes. Dachshunds can be found in either breed and often have traits of both kinds. There are a lot of dachshunds that are a terrier mix. 

The distinction between hounds and terriers comes from origin, appearance, characteristics, and abilities. The two breeds are distinct and have unique features, but they also have many similar traits often found in terrier mix dachshunds.

Dachshunds are originally from Germany, and their primary purpose was hunting animals that burrowed underground. They are known for their distinguishable short leg and long body appearance. 

Dachshunds are loving dogs that are great as pets. Dachshunds are incredibly playful and friendly, despite their hunting origins.

Dachshunds do not need much space to thrive but will regularly require exercise and playtime. Training a dachshund can be somewhat tricky and may take time. However, the result will be worth it. Their unique grooming needs and health risks are essential to understand before owning a dachshund. 

If you have decided you want a dachshund and want to know all you can about the breed, you have come to the right place. Let’s get started learning everything there is to know. First is the breed classification of a dachshund. 

Is A Dachshund A Hound And A Terrier?

As mentioned previously, a dachshund is a breed of hound. However, they have long been bred with terriers to create elite hunters. 

You can find dachshunds with traits of both of these breeds. For this reason, a dachshund can be both a hound and a terrier. An important distinction to make is that dachshunds are originally hounds. 

For this reason, it makes more sense to say dachshunds are hounds with terrier traits. You might wonder about the difference between the two and the method used to classify these breeds. Let’s learn in more detail. 

Classifying Your Dachshund

Dogs are classified into one of seven different groups. Their separation and division depend on origin, appearance, characteristics, and abilities. The seven groups are as follows: sporting, non-sporting, terrier, hound, toy, herding, and working dogs.

For now, we will focus specifically on the two categories of hound and terrier. These are the categories where you can find dachshunds. 

What are the differences between these breeds, and why is it hard to label dachshunds as just one? Let’s find out. 


Hounds come in all sizes and include many different dog breeds. They are loyal companions and are a popular choice as a pet. 

The class of hounds is distinguishable by their strong sense of smell. Hounds were the top pick for assisting hunters in finding their prey. They also have strong and durable bodies to fight prey after sniffing them out. 

Dachshunds have an above-average sense of smell, even by the standards of dogs. Other typical characteristics of hounds include big ears and short hair. These traits are also typical of dachshunds. 

Now that you know the class of hounds, it is easy to see how dachshunds fit into this category. But what about terriers? 


Terriers are typically small dogs. They have thinner frames and less muscle than hounds. Despite this, terriers have also been well-established as strong hunters. 

Terriers were often used for hunting rodents and insects, unlike the larger prey of hounds. Some distinct characteristics of terriers are having a lot of energy and being quite stubborn and ferocious. 

Dachshunds inherited these traits through cross-breeding. This gave rise to wirehaired dachshunds with smaller ears. The cross-breeding resulted in many dachshunds having terrier DNA in their genetics, creating slight deviations from typical hound characteristics. 

These inherited traits are often minuscule. A majority of dachshunds deviate very little from typical hounds. However, one breed stands out as a more direct mix of the hound and terrier classes.

Dachshund Terrier Mix

The Dachshund terrier mix is a specific breed with direct lineage from both dachshunds and a species of terrier. In particular, these dogs’ terrier and original hound genes are very noticeable.

Dachshund terrier mix dogs will have the short legs and long body of a dachshund but the small ears and wire hair of a terrier. These dogs showcase the highlights and traits of both breeds

They are unique in what traits they inherit from their parents, but they are known to have the appearance of a dachshund with the attitude of a terrier. There are other dachshund mixes that you can look into as well. 

Now that you know more about how dachshunds are classified, let’s learn more about the dachshund breed. 

History Of Dachshunds

The dachshund breed originated in Germany. The name “dachshund” comes from the combination of two german words. Literally translated, the name “dachshund” means “badger dog.” This is a fitting name for dachshunds, as hunting badgers was their primary purpose.

Dachshunds would accompany hunters and sniff out badgers that may have burrowed underground. They were bred and trained to be the perfect hunters. Their transition to household pets came later.

Since they were no longer hunters, over time, dachshunds lost size and became more peaceful. Due to their cute bodies and outstanding qualities as a pet, they quickly became popular all around the world. 

Appearance Of Dachshunds

The appearance of the dachshund dog breed is very well known. They have short legs, typically no longer than 10 inches. Their long bodies give them their famous “wiener dog” and “sausage dog” nicknames. 

Dachshunds come in long-haired, wire-haired, and short-haired varieties. The size of dachshunds is small on average, but there are also mini dachshunds. 

Dachshunds most commonly come in black or brown coats but are not restricted to one colorway. They can have a wide variety of fur and coat colors. 

Personality Of Dachshunds

The personality of a dachshund can vary, and no two are the same. Dachshunds are typically known to be very loving and playful but also stubborn and spunky. Due to their mixed lineage, they have traits of almost two different personality types. 

Dachshunds with terrier genes are known to be louder and more rambunctious. They are alert and will always have energy. There are calmer dachshunds, but they will have the same hunting spirit. 

Another notable feature of the dachshund dog breed is their howl. It is typically deep and low and is their tool to draw attention. As it is written in their genetics, dachshunds are also very prone to digging and following. 

If you have heard all of this and decide you want to own a dachshund, you can learn the essentials of having a dachshund as a pet below.

Caring For A Dachshund

Dachshunds are fun and have a lot of life and energy. Their unique personalities and characteristics make them very popular as pets. However, before you welcome a dachshund into your family, there is much to know.

Dachshunds are barkers, and they bark loudly. This is another part of their genetics that is instinctive to them. Because dachshunds love their owners so much, they often suffer from separation anxiety when left alone. 

You can find dachshunds through dachshund rescue programs or adoption centers. These places will most likely offer specific information on your dachshund and their lineage. 

Training and proper attention can improve these challenges, but they will be the most difficult aspect of owning a dachshund.


Training a dachshund can be pretty difficult. They are known to be quite stubborn. The training process will be long and require a lot of patience and persistence as progress will be slow. 

Dachshunds are very easily triggered by the presence of new people and other dogs. To train your dachshund to be less hostile and intimidated by others, you want to socialize him as much as possible. Below is a youtube video that goes in-depth on proper training for your dachshund.

Given their lineage and history, dachshunds also instinctively love to dig. They will, of course, dig in the yard and outside, but also on furniture and blankets. They may not cause damage, but you must be aware of this. 


The grooming needs of your dachshund will depend on coat type and hair type. All three types are relatively low maintenance. They do not shed much and stay cleaner than most dogs after playing outside.

A smooth haired dachshund will require the least maintenance. You only need to brush them once a week. Long-haired dachshunds require more frequent brushing, and you must get haircuts much more often. Wirehaired dachshunds require the most frequent brushing and trimming. 

Best Environment

As dachshunds are typically small dogs, they do not need much space to enjoy themselves. Even without a big yard, your dachshund can still be happy.  However, it is still essential for owners to take their dachshunds out for regular exercise. 

Give him plenty of playtime and love to ensure your dachshund is happy. Your dachshund will be pleased with chasing and searching games. 

Dachshunds are prone to obesity, so exercise and a healthy diet are crucial. Dachshunds also do not do well with cold weather. During the wintertime, you will want to keep them warm with protective garments. 

Health Of Dachsunds

Although dachshunds are a lively and energetic breed, they are still subject to certain diseases and health issues. The main points that dachshunds owners must be aware of are spinal injuries and obesity.

Due to their long body, your dachshund is susceptible to back and spine injuries. The most common is a slipped disk in the spine. To prevent this, try to fit your home with ramps and stairs to prevent your dachshund from jumping up and down from high places. 

If you want to become a dachshund owner, you should consider investing in pet insurance. This will help lower the costs of your pet’s medical treatments. Should a problem occur, you want to ensure you can get your dachshund the proper care. 

Dachshunds are also prone to becoming obese, and their diets and exercise require special attention. You must ensure you are feeding your dachshund the proper nutrients in the correct amounts and that they are getting the exercise they need. If obese, your dachshund will be even more susceptible to back problems. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dachshund terrier mix known as?

Dachshund terrier mixes are most commonly referred to by their coat type. Wire haired dachshunds are recognized as terrier mixes because of their notable terrier features. 

Do dachshunds make good pets? 

Some say the dachshund is the most loving dog breed. They grow very attached to their owners and fit great into a family they are familiar with. Given their nature, they love to play outside and sniff and find things. This means they are so many ways to have fun with your dachshund. 

Does it take a long time to train a dachshund?

Dachshunds are very well known for being hard to train. They can be very stubborn, and it will most likely require a lot of time and effort for potty and obedience training to take effect. 

How long can I leave my dachshund alone?

Dachshunds and any other breed should not be left alone for long periods. Dogs also have feelings and will feel neglected and abandoned if left alone for too long. The sense of confinement from being in a cage all day can also have psychological effects.

Why do dachshunds dig so much? 

Digging and driving prey out from underground is written in dachshunds’ DNA. As they were originally used to hunt badgers and other animals that burrow underground, they had to dig and fit into small spaces. That is why it is instinctive for them to dig and try and squeeze themselves into tight spots. 

Final Thoughts

Despite their cute looks and lovey personalities, dachshunds are born hunters. They are a breed of hound originally bred to hunt small animals. To create the perfect hunters, dachshunds were bred with terriers.

Dachshunds are a breed of hounds but have terriers in their lineage. They share traits from both breeds, creating their unique personalities and appearances—some with the long body of a dachshund but small ears and wire hair of a terrier breed. 

Dachshunds were originally bred in Germany but quickly spread worldwide, becoming household pet favorites. They are typically lively and energetic dogs who can be stubborn and aggressive. However, they are certainly lovers before anything else and would be great as a pet for your family.

Caring for a dachshund requires a lot of special attention. You must be aware of certain health and grooming conditions before owning a dachshund. They can take a long time to train, so patience is essential.

Now you know everything there is to know about dachshunds, including what breed they really are. With time and effort, a dachshund will make a great addition to your family and be a pet with a special place in your heart. 

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