dachshund howling

How to Potty Train a Dachshund Puppy to Go Outside (The Complete Guide)

Potty training is probably one of your top priorities if you have a dachshund puppy! Potty training dachshunds is challenging, but it is worth it in the end.

When potty training your dachshund puppy to go outside, it is vital to remain patient and consistent throughout the process.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so you may have to try a few different methods before you find what works for your puppy.

Some popular methods for potty training a dachshund puppy include crate training, using a litter box, and paper training.

Each method has its merits and demerits, so you must decide which is suitable for you and your puppy.

How Difficult is it to Potty Train A Dachshund?

Dachshunds can be stubborn in potty training for a dog that is so adorable and small. Dachshund puppies, in particular, are notorious for being difficult to house train.

You see, dachshunds were initially bred to hunt badgers, which required them to have a lot of energy, stamina, and determination.

Unfortunately, this trait that helped them succeed as hunters makes them less likely to want to please their owners regarding potty training.

However, it is not impossible! You can successfully potty train your dachshund puppy to go outside with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

Why Even Potty Train to Begin With?

The first question you may be asking is, why bother potty training my dachshund puppy at all? After all, they are pretty small and, frankly, quite manageable.

While it may seem more trouble than it’s worth, there are several reasons you should potty train your dachshund puppy.

A Happy & Healthy Dog

First and foremost, not potty training your dachshund puppy can harm their health. A puppy’s bladder and kidneys are not fully developed, so they cannot hold their urine for very long.

If they lack regular opportunities to relieve themselves, they can develop a condition called “bladder stones,” which can be very painful and expensive to treat.

Additionally, having to “hold it” in for long periods makes your dog stressed, manifesting in destructive ways such as chewing and barking.

A Clean House

Another reason to potty train your dachshund puppy is for cleanliness. Who doesn’t love coming home to a clean house?

Puppies have accidents. It’s inevitable. They tend to eat and drink a lot, which can lead to them having to “go” quite often.

However, if you take the time to potty-train your puppy, you will significantly reduce the number of accidents in your home.

Easier to Travel

can dachshunds fly on a plane

Finally, potty training your dachshund puppy will make it much easier to travel with them. If you ever want to take your pup on vacation or even just for a day trip, you won’t have to worry about finding a place to “go.”


First, it is much more sanitary for you and your pup if they learn to go outside rather than inside the house.

Dachshunds are notorious for being “diggers,” If they are not Potty trained, they will likely find a ‘suitable’ place in your house to relieve themselves. This could be your favorite armchair, the couch, or the bed!

How Old Should a Puppy be When Potty Trained?

The best age to start potty training a dachshund puppy is around the six-month mark.

Puppies under six months are still learning to control their bladder and bowels. So, if you try to potty train a puppy younger than six months, they may have accidents simply because they cannot hold it in yet.

On the other hand, if you wait too long to start potty training, your puppy may already have deeply ingrained habits that will be difficult to break.

Six months is the sweet spot for potty training because puppies of this age are old enough to understand what you want them to do but young enough that they are still open to learning new things.

How Do You Potty Train a Dachshund Puppy to Go Outside?

Dog owners can use a few techniques to potty-train their dachshund puppy. The most popular methods are crate training, litter box training, and paper training.

Crate Training

Crate training involves confining your puppy to a small space, such as a crate or pen when they are not being supervised. 

This will help them learn to hold their bladder and bowel movements until they are let out.

The key to successful crate training is only to confine your puppy for short periods and to let them out as soon as they have gone potty. 

If they are detained for too long, they may be forced to go Potty in their crate, preventing the training process.

What Tools Do You Need to Crate-Train Your Dachshund?

  • A crate that is big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • A bed or mat for the crate.
  • Some toys or chew bones to keep your puppy entertained.
  • Training pads or newspapers in case of accidents.

How to Crate Train, Your Dachshund Puppy

Follow these steps to crate train your dachshund puppy:

Step One: Get Your Puppy Used to the Crate

The first step is to get your puppy used to their crate. Start by letting your puppy explore their crate while it is open, and they are free to come and go as they please. 

At this point, you should not try to force your puppy into its crate. You want them to see the crate as a safe and happy place.

Step Two: Use rewards to get your puppy to enter their crate

Once your puppy is comfortable with its crate, you can start using rewards to encourage them to enter it. 

For example, throw in a treat or two so that they begin to associate the crate with something positive.

Step Three: Get your puppy used to being alone in their crate.

Once your puppy is happily entering their crate and staying inside for short periods, you can start to leave them alone for more extended periods. 

Start by leaving them for just a few minutes, and gradually increase the time as they get more comfortable.

Step Four: Help your puppy learn to ask to go outside.

The next step is to start teaching your puppy to let you know when they need to go outside. The easiest way to do this is to use a bell hung on the door that leads to the outside.

Every time you take your puppy out to go potty, have them ring the bell before you let them out. Soon they will learn that ringing the bell means going outside.

Step Five: Use a Potty Training Schedule

The key to successful crate training is a potty training schedule. This will help your puppy learn when they are supposed to go potty and give them a chance to “hold it” for short periods.

A typical potty training schedule would look something like this:

  • Take your puppy out first thing in the morning
  • Take them out after every meal
  • Take them out before bedtime
  • Take them out every few hours in between meals and bedtime

Pros of Crate Training

  • It is a safe and secure way for your puppy to learn how to “hold it,” which will eventually lead to them being Potty trained.
  • Crate training will also help your puppy learn how to control their bladder and bowels.
  • It can teach your puppy self-control, an important life skill in general.
  • Since puppies have small bladders, the crate will help avoid accidents in the house.
  • Crate training is not only an effective way to potty train your dachshund puppy, but it can also help to prevent them from having other accidents indoors.

Cons of Crate Training

  • If not done correctly, crate training can cause your puppy to become anxious or stressed.
  • Your puppy may start associating their crate with being isolated from you and their environment, leading to behavioral problems later.
  • Compared to other methods, crate training takes a bit more effort and patience on your part.


Crate training can be an effective way to potty train your dachshund puppy because it helps to limit their access to the house and prevents them from having accidents indoors.

The key is to take things slowly and ensure that your puppy is comfortable at each stage before moving on.

Paper Training

Paper training is another popular method people use to potty-train their dogs, especially if they live in an apartment or somewhere where it’s impossible to let their dog out all the time.

Paper training will confine your puppy to a small area with newspapers or Puppy Pads (absorbent pads that look like diapers) on the floor.

As your puppy gets used to this smaller space, you can gradually increase the size of the area until it can stay in one room without making a mess.

The main thing with paper training is consistency – you must ensure that you take your puppy out often enough so they don’t have accidents inside.

Pros of Paper Training

  • It’s easy to do and doesn’t require a lot of equipment.
  • You can do it indoors, which is excellent for people who live in apartments or don’t have easy access to a backyard.

Cons of Paper Training

  • Your puppy may learn that it’s okay to go to the bathroom indoors, making potty training more difficult later.
  • It can be time-consuming if you have to take your puppy out often.


If you’re starting potty training, paper training is an excellent method. Just be aware that you may have to do some extra work later on if your puppy doesn’t learn that it’s only okay to go to the bathroom outdoors.

litter box

Litter Box Training

Litter box training is another option for potty training your puppy if you live in an apartment or somewhere where it’s impossible to let them out all the time.

This method is relatively straightforward: you will fill a small box with sand, wood shavings, or newspaper and place it in a quiet corner of your home.

You will need to take your puppy to the litter box often so they can learn that this is where they should go to the bathroom.

Pros of Litter Box Training

  • Less time-consuming than taking your puppy out all the time
  • A good option for people who live in apartments or don’t have easy access to a backyard

Cons of Litter Box Training

  • Your puppy may still have accidents if it can’t get to the litter box in time.
  • Your puppy may eat the litter, which can be dangerous.

Tips for Succesful Litter Box Training

To litter box train your dachshund effectively, here are a few tips:

  • Choose a quiet corner in your home for the litter box.
  • Place a small container filled with sand, wood shavings, or newspaper in the corner.
  • Take your puppy to the litter box often so they learn that this is where they should go to the bathroom.
  • Reward your puppy with a treat every time they use the litter box.
  • Be patient and keep up with the training until your puppy is fully Potty trained.

With patience and consistency, you can potty train your dachshund puppy to go outside in no time!

If you want to learn more on how to train your dachshund to use a litter box, click there.

The Perfect Spot Method

Another way to potty-train your dachshund puppy is by using the perfect spot method.

To do this, you will need to find a spot in your yard that is away from the house and any other distractions.

Take your puppy to this spot often and let them sniff around. Then, when they go to the bathroom, give them a treat and lots of praise.

Eventually, your puppy will learn that this is the only spot they can go to the bathroom, and they will start doing their business there every time.

How To Tell When Your Dachshund Needs to Go

The best way to potty train your dachshund is to take them out frequently to learn to relieve themselves in the appropriate place. Dachshunds pee a lot.

You will need to pay close attention to your puppy to know when they need to go. Some signs that your dachshund needs to relieve themselves are:

Sniffing around

Dachshunds will often sniff around before they relieve themselves. So if you see your puppy sniffing around, take them outside immediately.

Walking in Circles

Another sign your puppy needs to go is if they start walking in circles. Again, this tells you they must find a spot to relieve themselves.

Sitting by the Door

Dachshunds will also often sit by the door when they need to go outside. So if you see your puppy sitting by the door, take them out right away.

Whimpering or Whining

Sometimes, dachshunds will whimper or whine when they need to go outside. If you hear your puppy doing this, it is likely time to take them out.


Some dachshunds will bark when they need to go outside. If your puppy is barking for no apparent reason, it may just need to relieve itself.

It is time to take your puppy outside if you notice these signs. Depending on how long it has been since they last relieved themselves, they may need to go right away or may be able to wait a few minutes.

If you can, try to take them out every hour or so to avoid accidents.

How Long Does it Take to Potty Train A Dachshund?

Potty training a puppy is not an overnight process. It can take quite some time for your puppy to learn when and where they should relieve themselves.

Several things affect how long it will take to potty train your dachshund, including:


Age is a significant factor in how quickly your puppy will learn. Puppies have tiny bladders and need to relieve themselves frequently. As they get older, they can hold it for more extended periods.

Puppies under four months will need more time and patience to potty train than older puppies. For this reason, it is best to start training puppies at six months.

Previous Experience

If your dachshund has never received any training before, it will take longer to potty-train them compared to a dachshund who has had some experience with training.

A dog with prior experience knows how to take cues from their owner and is more likely to respond to commands.

Training Methods

You can use several methods to potty train your dachshund.

Some ways are more effective than others, so it is essential to do some research before deciding on a particular process.

Frequency of Potty Breaks

Another critical factor is how often you must take your dachshund to the Potty. Puppies generally need to go every two to three hours, so it is crucial to have a potty break schedule that works for you and your puppy.

How Long Does it Usually Take to Potty Train a Dachshund Puppy?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. Every dog is different and will learn at its own pace.

However, with patience and consistency, most dachshund puppies can be fully potty trained within about four months.

Some may take a little longer, while others may be able to accomplish it sooner. The key is to be patient and consistent with the training. Like with most things in life, rushing the process will likely result in setbacks.

Common Mistakes People Make When Potty Training a Dachshund Puppy


One of the most common mistakes people make when potty training a dachshund puppy is not being consistent.

If you only take them out sometimes or allow them to have accidents indoors, they will get confused, and it will take longer to train them.

Overlooking Positive Reinforcement

Another mistake is not using positive reinforcement. Instead, praise your puppy when they go outside, so they know that they are doing what you want them to do.

Not Going Out Enough

Another mistake is not taking them out often enough. Puppies need to go often, so if you only take them out once a day, they will likely have accidents.

do dachshunds pee a lot


Puppies are not going to learn overnight, and accidents will happen. Therefore, it is important to be patient and consistent so your puppy can learn how to go potty outside.

Final Thoughts

With patience and consistency, you’ll be able to potty train your dachshund puppy in no time! Just remember that accidents happen, so don’t get too frustrated if they have one from time to time.

Soon enough, they’ll be going outside like a pro!

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