How Many Puppies Can a Miniature Dachshund Have

How Many Puppies Can a Miniature Dachshund Have? [Best Answer]

Are you thinking about breeding your miniature Dachshund? You should know certain things to prepare yourself and your dog for pregnancy.

Because of their smaller size, wiener dogs can have fewer puppies than your average dog breed. But how many puppies can miniature dachshunds have?

Table of Contents

    How Many Puppies Can a Miniature Dachshund Have?

    The litter size of Miniature Dachshund varies from 4 to 6 puppies, whereas Dachshunds usually have 1 to 6 puppies per litter. The Dachshund’s largest known litter size recorded is 8+ puppies.

    The number of puppies your Dachshund has will depend on multiple factors, such as age, size of the dog, and the insemination method.

    What Are the Symptoms of a Dachshund Pregnancy?

    Physical and behavioral symptoms of your dog’s pregnancy will show around the third week. 

    Enlarged nipples are the most straightforward pregnancy sign to spot on your doxie. You may also notice a lower energy level in your dog.

    An increased appetite is also a typical pregnancy sign. Your sausage dog may even experience morning sickness as any human would.

    However, the best way to determine if your wiener dog is pregnant is by running a blood test. The blood analysis should be performed at your local vet and scheduled for 2 to 3 weeks after mating.

    The vet may also check your dog’s hormone levels and for performing palpitations. You can also run other tests like x-rays and an ultrasound.

    These procedures will help you confirm your Dachshund is pregnant or even detect a false pregnancy.

    dachshund at the vet

    How Long Will The Pregnancy Be?

    The pregnancy length for dogs is generally between 58 to 68 days. However, your sausage dog can give birth anytime as early as 53 days or as late as 71 days.

    If your Dachsund shows no signs of labor by day 65, it is best to visit a vet to ensure nothing is wrong with the pregnancy.

    Miniature Dachshund Heat Cycle

    The female Miniature Dachshund has her first heat cycle when she is six to eight months old.

    The repetition frequency of this cycle is six months, and this heat cycle lasts 18 to 21 days

    Frequency of the cycle

    The repetition frequency of this cycle is six months, and this heat cycle lasts 18 to 21 days

    First Phase (Proestrus)

    The first phase of this heat cycle is the proestrus


    It completes in 9 days.

    Second Phase (Estrus)

    The second phase of this heat cycle is the estrus


    The vulva swells more than in the previous phase, and the discharge decreases; also, the color of the discharge becomes lighter.


    This phase completes in 3 to 11 days.

    Third Phase (Diestrus)

    The third phase of this cycle is diestrus.


    This starts on day 14 of the heat cycle, and this phase is for 8 days.


    The vulva returns to its normal size once it enters the diestrus phase, and the discharge becomes redder in color.

    Fourth Phase (Anestrus)

    The fourth phase is called the anestrous phase.

    This heat cycle ceases once this discharge stops, and the female dog enters an Anestrus phase until her next cycle.

    Are There Risks Related to the Pregnancy?

    Smaller breeds, such as dachshunds, are more likely to go through birthing problems. Several risks are associated with how many puppies a miniature dachshund can have.

    One of these risks includes the pups getting stuck during labor. The puppies may also come out feet first. This issue is often known as breach puppies. 

    Furthermore, the umbilical cord may risk the doxies’ life by getting wrapped around the puppies’ necks. 

    These health issues are essential to consider as they may lead to the death of one or even more puppies. 

    three baby dachshunds and the mother

    What is the Best Age to Consider Breeding?

    Age will be a crucial determinant of the number of puppies your dog will be able to have. 

    Usually, female dogs reach sexual maturity when they are six months old. However, since Dachshund dogs are a smaller breed, they are likely to go through a “heat cycle” earlier than other breeds.

    Smaller dogs also tend to have more heat cycles than bigger dog breeds. Small breeds usually have around four heat cycles per year compared to twice a year for bigger dogs.

    Dachshund dogs can produce up to 4 litters each year. On rare occasions, they may have up to 6 pups per litter. 

    You should avoid getting your doxie pregnant on their first cycle since this may increase the possibility of specific health risk issues.

    Most experts recommend getting your Dachshund pregnant after they are at least one year old. However, the best age for breeding your dog is around three years old. 

    You should also avoid breeding your dog after they reach five years old. Older dogs will naturally produce fewer puppies than younger dogs. Health complications also increase as your dog gets older.

    How to Breed Miniature Dachshunds

    Female miniature Dachshunds should not breed until their second heat cycle starts to check their physical and social maturity. These mini dachshunds are receptive to the male in the second phase of the estrous cycle that is estrous.

    Thus, there are the highest chances for them to conceive if they are bred in this phase. Unlike most cases, there can be chances that they don’t conceive on the first try, so the process can be repeated again in the next coming cycle.

    When the female miniature Dachshund is no longer fertile, she could be receptive to a male after two to three days of the estrous cycle.

    Insemination Methods

    The insemination method you choose when breeding your dog will play a vital role in the pregnancy and the number of puppies your Dachshund will be able to produce. 

    The two main choices are between a natural mating process and opting for artificial insemination.

    Generally, the insemination process is the safest choice, with a higher chance of successful pregnancy. Artificial insemination is also likely to yield more puppies with larger litter sizes. 

    Adjusting Your Dog’s Diet During Pregnancy

    During the first stages of your dog’s pregnancy, you should focus on maintaining your Dachshund’s body weight. You should keep feeding your dog as you usually would during these first weeks.

    Continuously monitor your Dachshund’s weight during pregnancy. Your dog mustn’t lose any weight during their first trimester. On the other hand, you should also keep an eye out for overweight.

    As time progresses, your dog’s appetite will increase. After a month and a half, your Dachshund will start eating as much as possible.

    During pregnancy, your doxie will typically eat around 50% more than their regular diet. This means your dog will quickly gain weight, and their tummy will grow wider and rounder.

    Try to increase the quantity of your dog’s food slowly. Meal feeding is the best method to avoid overfeeding.

    Overfeeding can end in obesity for your Dachshund. If your dog is obese by the end of their pregnancy, it may increase issues during birth, such as prolonged labor and stress to the pups.

    Obesity can also decrease milk production during lactation, which will negatively impact the growth and health of the puppies.

    A well-fed, healthy dog should only gain around 15% to 20% of their weight during pregnancy.

    Feeding your dog multiple small meals may help maintain an adequate balance between nutrient and calorie intake.

    Make sure you feed your pregnant Dachshund a high-quality diet consisting of 29% proteins and around 17% fats. Your dog’s diet should also be high in soluble carbs and low in fiber content.

    Do not feed your pregnant or lactating dog a raw diet. Additionally, you should not give supplements to your pregnant Dachshund unless recommended by your vet.

    Always consult your veterinarian on how you should feed your dog during the different trimesters of their pregnancy. Your pet must receive the proper nutrients to keep them and their puppies healthy.

    What to Expect During Labor

    Your Dachshund will begin to show signs of labor as close as one day before birth happens. 

    You should take your doxie to the vet at least once a week during the final stages of their pregnancy. This way, you will better understand when labor will happen. 

    Your dog will start to lose appetite 24 hours before delivering her puppies. You will also notice the body temperature of your doxie will begin to decline.

    When contractions begin, your Dachshund will react by repeatedly licking their vulva. Once your dog starts experiencing contractions, a gray-colored water sac will appear on their vulva. Your dog may even bite the sac to break their water, which is entirely normal.

    From the moment the water breaks, delivering the first puppy will take around an hour. The first pup is usually the biggest challenge. 

    When your Dachshund is delivering her first puppy, update your vet every 15 minutes to make sure everything progresses smoothly. 

    When Can Miniature Dachshunds Conceive Again?

    Dachshunds’ mothers may get pregnant again in their next heat cycle after three months, but unlikely in dachshunds; however, the miniature dachshunds cannot conceive again after whelping in the upcoming cycle.

    how many miniature dachshunds can be concieved

    Until What Age Can a Miniature Dachshund Get Pregnant?

    A Miniature Dachshund can get pregnant up to the 12 years mark. But the best and most advised time for a mini-Dachshund to get pregnant is up to 6 years of age, and mating the female Dachshund up to 12 years is not something that could be likely advised because of the complications.

    At What Age Can a Dachshund Get Pregnant?

    During their first heat cycle, which typically occurs around six months of age, dachshunds are capable of becoming pregnant.

    This does not imply that you should breed your dog at such an early age. They lack the physical maturity to give birth to a healthy litter.

    They are still puppies themselves at that age. Pregnancy can be challenging even for an adult Dachshund, much less one that is still growing and developing.

    When Do Miniature Dachshunds Start Showing That they are Fully Pregnant?

    The miniature Dachshund shows signs of pregnancy depending on its physical condition, the length of her back, and the number of puppies they expect.

    Usually, pregnant female miniature dachshunds can be identified by five or six weeks. Sometimes, it is easier to predict the pregnancy earlier, especially with a big litter or small Dachshund. And sometimes, if it’s a small litter and a big female, it takes some time for sure if she’s pregnant until seven or eight weeks.

    Last Thoughts

    Regardless of their small size, miniature dachshunds can still have many puppies. Your dog can give birth to up to 6 or 8 puppies, but you can typically expect to have around four pups.

    Pregnancy for miniature dachshunds should be planned to minimize the health risks and complications during birth.

    By now, you should know what it takes to care for your miniature Dachshund during pregnancy. Visit the vet frequently during pregnancy to ensure everything goes smoothly. 

    Your veterinarian will always have the best answers regarding your pregnant Dachshund’s health, so do not hesitate to reach out when needed. The more you know, the more prepared you will be to care for your dog and its puppies.

    Comment below with any questions, and make sure to share your previous experiences!

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