dog food

How Much Should I Feed My Dachshund [The Right Answer]

Have you ever wondered how much you should be feeding your dog? Or if you are feeding them the proper food. Follow along, and you’ll learn everything you need to know.  

So, how much should you feed your dachshund? The amount of food that you should feed your dachshund will depend on several factors, including activity level, age, and overall health. It is always best to consult with your local veterinarian while still monitoring their weight and adjusting their food intake as needed to avoid obesity and other health issues.

Whether you prefer dry dog food or fresh food, there are many ways to go about feeding your dachshund. In this article, I will explain to you everything you need to know and help you make the right decision.

Let’s dive in. 

How Much Should I Feed My Dachshund?

Adult Dachshund

How much should you feed your dachshund? Generally, the standard dachshund is 16-32 pounds. Adult dachshunds should be fed twice daily, with every meal consisting of about ½ to ¾ cup of high-quality dog food. As a rule of thumb, around 10-15% of their body weight should be food. However, when you have a senior dog, some adjustments should be made based on their ability to chew and overall health.   

Dachshund Puppy

On the flip side, puppies are a different tale. They have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, typically requiring formulated food. As puppies grow and develop rapidly, they will require more calories per pound of body weight than the average adult dog. This is because they have tons of energy to displace. They will also need more fat, protein, and certain minerals and vitamins to help support their growth and developing digestive system. 

Feeding puppies frequently helps develop a regular feeding schedule and can prevent health issues like gastrointestinal bloating, which is common in Dachshunds. So it is best to feed your puppy 3-4 times a day with a specifically formulated diet to promote healthy growth.

Remember to note that puppies grow and as they do that, so do their nutritional needs. So, you should adjust their feeding schedule and portion size accordingly. It is always best to consult your local vet for the appropriate nutrition. 

Miniature Dachshund 

Miniature dachshunds only weigh about 11 pounds fully grown, and food should be adjusted to your dog’s overall size, age, and weight. Consulting with your vet can be very helpful for your miniature dachshund. As a rule of thumb, mini dachshunds should be eating one ½  to 1 cup of kibble per day.

Follow this suggested dog feeding chart:

 Like all dogs, you should calculate the appropriate amount to feed your dachshund based on his age and weight. Also, consider ideal weight, natural metabolism, treat intake, activity level, and potential health issues. 

What Times Should I Be Feeding My Dachshund?

Feeding your dachshund in the morning and evening is crucial to maintaining a consistent daily routine, making them feel secure. Also, feeding your dog twice a day can help regulate their digestive system and appetite. It helps prevent them for being too hungry and overeating during scheduled meal times. Long-term, this can also help avoid health issues like bloat, which can happen by eating a large meal and running around. Let’s note that feeding schedules can vary depending on your dachshund’s individual needs. 

What Are The Best Diets For My Dachshund?

Remember that it is not always the first food you buy your dog will like. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries before they find a food they enjoy and can properly digest. A sign that they are not interested in their food can be a lack of engagement or, often times diarrhea. So, what is the best dog food? Well, that can vary. 

A balanced diet can generally include high-quality protein, such as fish or lamb, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and pumpkin. Some dachshund favorites are carrots, bananas, broccoli, green beans, pumpkin, low-fat or non-fat cottage cheese, and watermelon. However, there are many types of dog food diets that provide an all-around balanced diet for dogs, and this can include the following: 

Commercial Dog Food

Commercial dog food can be either wet or dry and is typically intended to satisfy a dog’s specific nutritional needs. This option for food is usually convenient and safe, but it is important to pick high-quality food that uses human ingredients. Some examples are Just Food for Dogs, Stella and Chewy, Open Farm, and Nutrisource. Avoid commercialized food like canned food or kibble that is high in preservatives and other toxic ingredients. 

Homemade Dog Food

This means making the food for your dachshund yourself, which requires lots of time and effort to ensure that the diet is balanced and nutritionally complete. It is very important to research what is best for your dog, but you can never go wrong with a chicken meal.

Raw Food Diet 

This kind of diet involves feeding your dog raw meat, fruits and vegetables. Some pet owners and veterinarians believe that a raw dog food diet is the most natural and healthy option for your dachshund. Keep in mind that this can also be risky if not done properly. Make sure that you are researching what you need.


Treats can come in many forms, like fresh fruits and vegetables, but also pork, venison, chicken, lamb, and much more. Avoid giving them foods with high fat or sugar, such as human junk food. Treats should be given in moderation and should be given no more than 10% of their caloric intake. 

Consider buying high-quality treats without preservatives and added sugars. They can also be used for training purposes as positive reinforcement or a way to reward good behavior. 


It is highly important for your dog to have water at all times. It is essential to keep your dachshund hydrated as it supports their overall health and well-being. Lack of water intake can cause a different range of issues like kidney damage, constipation, loss of appetite, dry skin and coat, difficulty regulating body temperature and so on. 

Ensuring that your dog has fresh, clean water at all times will prevent your dachshund from getting sick or developing health issues. 

Consult with Your Veterinarian

vet with dachshund

You should always reach out to your local vet and determine how much you should feed your dachshund. You should do this, especially if your dog has any specific health conditions or dietary needs that may be thoroughly examined by a skilled professional. They will help recommend an appropriate feeding schedule and portion size. 

Final Words

Overall, we know that the amount of food you feed your dachshund will always depend on different factors, such as their age, activity level, and health. It is always best to consult with your dog’s veterinarian to help find the right diet for them. Having the right diet can promote a healthy weight, and by monitoring their overall weight can avoid obesity and other health issues and help attain an ideal weight for your dachshund.

I’ll leave you with a simple calculation you can use to figure out how much to feed your dog. Take your dog’s weight, turn it into kilograms, multiply by 30 and add 70; in pounds, divide by 2.2 and multiply by 30 and add 70. This is called the Resting Energy Requirement (RER) formula.

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