how long can dachshunds hold pee

How Long Can Dachshunds Hold Pee? (What You Have to Know)

They can hold their pee for up to four hours, but the average duration depends upon various factors like health. If you are wondering how long can Dachshunds hold pee, you have come to the right place. 

Each dog is different because they have different lifestyles and impressions of their surroundings. 

Generally, a pup who is young will need to pee several times a day and night as compared to an adult Dachshund who has had adequate potty training. Ultimately, it all depends on the dog and its owner. 

In this article, we will talk about all these factors and more.

Table of Contents

    Age of Your Dachshund

    The age of a Dachshund is by far the most important metric that affects their pee-holding capacity. This metric is largely valid for most domestic dogs out there.

    A dog that is of few days or months old will have less control over his bladder and would pee uncontrollably whenever he needs to pee. This is not his fault because his nerves and cognitive sense are not developed yet.

    On the other hand, a fully grown Dachshund with complete potty training and adequate time in a surrounding will pee at specific times in the day and would have complete control over their bladder.

    Now we come to the last kind, which includes the dogs which are old and less active. As a Dachshund gets older, he loses some cognitive abilities and control, which can result in a loss of bladder control.

    So the age of a dachshund has the utmost effect on his ability to hold pee.

    Size of Your Dachshund 

    aggressive dachshund

    The size of the Dachshund also matters when it comes to holding their pee in. It correlates with their age and breed.
    A Dachshund of a larger size means an older age will be able to hold pee for longer than a pup of lesser age and size.

    The reason behind it is the fact that bigger Dachshunds have a bigger bladder that can hold more pee in than a pup who is still developing.

    If the Dachshund is fully grown and can hold pee for four hours or longer, it does not mean that it has to. It is not normal and may cause health or cognitive problems.

    Activity Level of Your Dachshund

    An active and playful Dachshund would need to pee more frequently than a Dachshund who sits around all day and is not much of an outdoor dog.

    This is because the active Dachshund will metabolize more energy and make more by-products than the lazy Dachshund. 

    Active Dachshunds are also very good at finding hidden places for peeing, and you will never see them peeing openly. The Dachshund with active reflexes will also make a great watchdog. These are the upsides of having an active dog who loves to play outside. 

    Nutrition of Your Dachshund

    Whatever you feed your Dachshund will have a proportional effect on his pee and its timings. For example, if your Dachshund is drinking more and eating less, he likely will pee more and vice versa.

    do dachshunds pee a lot

    After all the nutrients are absorbed from the food drink, the body will expel out the by-products and excess matter. So they will produce more pee if there is more water and more poo if there is more solid food. Their digestive system is much like that of humans.

    Another essential thing to mention here is that some medicines also make the bladder weak and might make it harder for the Dachshund to hold its pee in for a longer time. If this is the case, asking the vet to change the medicines or prescribe the ones which have less severe effects should help a great deal.

    The Personality of Your Dachshund

    This point might be just the most interesting one. A Dachshund who is scared normally and is afraid of loud noises might not be able to hold pee well as compared to the Dachshund who is confident and calm.

    This is because a confident pup would have greater control over its bladder and its leaking properties as compared to a puppy that has to choose between a fight or flight response every time there is a loud noise or something that scares him.

    So the overall personality has a lot of impact on the pee-holding capabilities of a Dachshund and most dogs in general. The personality may be dynamic and change many times over the course of potty training.

    What is Considered Healthy Dachshund Pee?

    The normal pee color for a Dachshund is transparent yellow. However, the color can be affected by whatever the dog recently ate or drank. 

    • If your Dachshund is under some medication, the color of the urine can surely be affected. Another important feature of Dachshund urine is that it has various shades depending upon the dilution or concentration factors.
    • More concentrated urine, which is typical of a dark yellow shade, means that it needs to drink more water. Whereas urine with pale yellow color or lighter shades of yellow means that the Dachshund should eat more than he drinks. 

    On that note, a Dachshund should drink around an ounce of water per pound of its body weight. This is the most appropriate way to find out the average drinking needs of a Dachshund. 

    If by any chance the color of your dog’s pee is darker than the darkest shade of yellow, go see a vet as soon as possible. It may be due to an underlying health condition and would need immediate medical attention. 

    What Happens When a Dachshund Holds Its Pee For Too Long?

    If a Dachshund holds its pee in for too long, it might have several effects on its health and cognitive abilities. The most common one is separation anxiety.

    If you haven’t taken your Dachshund for a pee in a long time, it might get separation anxiety, and the situation may change into something completely different.

    Healing separation anxiety might be a bigger challenge to overcome than simply taking him out for needs.

    In a situation where you are not available to make him release his pee or if he is not fully potty trained yet, ask a friend, a neighbor, or a dog-sitter to help your Dachshund. This will not only ensure the timely release but also will have effective results of trust in the long term.

    What Is the Best Time To Potty Train A Dachshund?

    The best time to start potty training for your Dachshund is around the time he is 16 to 18 weeks old. Before that, the ideal time for him to pee every three to four hours a day.

    Seek the help of a vet or educational videos to carefully potty train your Dachshund because this training will stay with them for the rest of their lives. So make sure you put in the work and try to make it work for them.

    Final Words

    We have covered a lot of ground on how long can Dachshunds hold pee and the various factors that affect it. We know that the average time for a Dachshund to hold its pee in is four hours, but that does not mean that it should be the case normally or in day-to-day life or even is healthy for them.

    Age, size, activity, nutrition, and the overall personality of a Dachshund have a significant impact on the way it pees and retains it. A dog trainer would be a good help for training your Dachshund about his pee and poo needs.

    Periodic and mannerly release of pee throughout the day is key to exceptional hygiene and health in Dachshunds. So make sure you plan your days and outings accordingly because if you will not pay this much attention to your Dachshund, who will?

    We hope you found all the relevant information and had a delightful read.

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