dachshund dog laying down back leg problems

How Big Do Dachshunds Get? [What You Need to Know]

You just got a new doxie puppy and are wondering: how big do dachshunds get? Or how will you know when your dachshund has stopped fully growing? Well, don’t you worry, we got the answers you are looking for:

A standard-sized dachshund can grow between 12″ to 17″ in length and 5″ to 9″ in height. A miniature dachshund, however, will only typically reach 12″ to 13″ in length and 5″ to 7″ in height. A dachshund’s size will ultimately depend on the type of their breed.

In this article, you will learn the different dachshund sizes, how big your dachshund will get, and how to ensure your dog reaches their full-growth potential.

What Are the Different Types of Dachshund Sizes?

Standard and miniature dachshunds are the most popular sizes among this dog breed. However, there are four different dachshund classifications according to their size. 

Dachshund dogs can be categorized into the following sizes: rabbit, miniature, tweenie, and standard. 

Rabbit Dachshunds

Rabbit Dachshunds are the smallest breed size and are often known as “toy” or “teacup” dachshunds. At 15 months, a rabbit dachshund will grow to weigh around eight pounds or less, and their chest will measure a circumference of fewer than 12″. 

This dachshund size is rare and not commonly found in the United States. American and UK Kennel Clubs do not recognize the “teacup” size, but the World Canine Federation acknowledges it. 

Miniature Dachshunds

Miniature dachshunds have become very popular because of their small size. Miniature doxies usually grow to weigh less than 11 pounds and measure 12″ to 13″ in length and 5″ to 7″ in height. 

Tweenie Dachshunds

Tweenie Dachshunds are an “in-between” size; they are more significant than a miniature but smaller than a standard doxie. Typically, tweenies weigh around 11 and 16 pounds when fully grown. However, tweenie dachshunds are not officially recognized as a dachshund size in the US. 

Standard Dachshunds

Standard dachshunds are the most popular size. Even though they are the biggest, they are still relatively small and make great apartment dogs.

Standard dachshunds are normal-sized doxies that weigh between 16 to 32 pounds and grow between 12″ to 17″ in length and 5″ to 9″ in height.

At What Age Will a Dachshund be Fully Grown?

Your doxie will go through three stages of growth development: puppy, adolescent, and adult.

As your dog reaches the end of their puppy stage, their growth plates will fully close as they mature; this happens when your dog is around 6 to 8 months old. 

Between the age of 6 to 12 months old, your doxie will change temperament as they become adolescents.

By the time your dachshund reaches 12 months, their bones will stop growing. However, parts of their body, like the face, chest, and legs, will continue to grow as your dachshund fills out their shape until they reach two years old. 

Therefore, a dachshund will be fully grown at two years old when they reach maturity.

What Can Negatively Affect Your Dachshund’s Growth?

Your dachshund may not be growing properly. Several factors can affect your dog’s growth. 

If you notice your doxie is not growing at the expected rate during its first eight months, consider the following causes: malnutrition, parasite infections, or excessive exercise.


If you are underfeeding your dog, this might cause a stunt in its growth. However, overfeeding your doxie can also have a negative effect on their growth and their long-term health. 

dog treats

Overfeeding your dog can result in them becoming obese, which would negatively impact their limb and joint formation, stunting their growth and leading to other health conditions such as secondary osteoarthritis.

Parasite Infections

Parasite infections are common among puppies. Hookworms and roundworms are the most typical, and they can be passed on by the puppy’s mother or the environment.

Worm infestations are more likely to happen when your doxie is thin and has a distended belly. 

If your doxie is infected with these parasites, they may take away from your dachshund’s nutrients and, as a result, stunt their growth.

Ensuring Your Dachshund Reaches Their Full-Growth Potential

How you take care of your dachshund will play a significant role in their growth. To ensure your doxie reaches their full-growth potential, consider the following when raising and taking care of them:


Your dog’s diet will be a critical factor in their size and how big they get. Providing your dachshund with a high-protein diet is recommended to ensure maximum growth. 

Adding eggs and lean meats like chicken are a great way to increase the protein in your dog’s diet. You can also find protein-rich kibble, however, avoid dog food containing fillers and additives. Dachshunds also love strawberries and bananas. It helps with their digestion a lot.

Feeding your dog the correct amount according to age, weight, and size is also vital. 

If your doxie is malnourished, they will never be able to grow up to their full-size potential. Obesity might also stunt your dachshund’s growth since the extra weight will cause pressure on their spine and might lead to additional health issues like diabetes.

You should always consult your vet on what diet best fits your dachshund and their health, especially when your puppy is growing up.


Your dachshund needs daily exercise. Exercising your doxie will help them eliminate excess energy and control their weight.  

Gentle walks and playtime are great ways to get your doxie active. 

When walking your dachshund, always consider your pace as they have short legs and may struggle to keep up with your speed. During playtime, fetch is excellent for fulfilling your dog’s natural tendency to hunt. 

dachshund cute eyes

Avoid Jumping or Climbing

Climbing and jumping on things like furniture or the car may be risky for your dachshund and their growth. 

Because of their short legs, dachshund dogs are susceptible to injuries. Jumping and climbing may result in back injuries, disc herniation, and, even worse, partial paralysis. This injury will prevent your doxie from moving freely and reaching their full growth potential.

Do not let your dachshund climb or jump in any high areas. Instead, always pick them up gently and put them down carefully to avoid injuries. 


Make sure your dachshund always has access to clean and fresh water. Doxies are susceptible to kidney and urinary stone formation. Providing your dog with fresh water will help prevent stones from forming.


Making sure your dog gets sufficient sleep is vital for their growth; therefore, providing a calm and safe environment to rest will help them reach their full growth potential.

If your dachshunds legs are shaking when sleeping, that could indicate health issues.

sleeping dachshund

Getting a crate is a great way to create a safe and calm environment for your dachshund to get their much-needed sleep. 

Last Words

By now, you should know that dachshunds come in various sizes, some not even recognized by the US or UK kennel clubs. However, standard and miniature are the most popular and accepted dachshund sizes. 

Standard-sized dachshunds will grow to be between 12″ to 17″ in length and 5″ to 9″ in height, while a miniature dachshund will only reach 12″ to 13″ in length and 5″ to 7″ in height. 

How you raise your dog and take of them will significantly impact their ability to reach their full potential. 

Malnutrition, parasite infections, or excessive exercise can stunt your dog’s growth. While providing your dog with a high protein diet, regular exercise, fresh water, and sufficient sleep will ensure they reach their full-size potential.

Comment below with any questions, and feel free to share your experiences, ensuring your dachshund reaches their full growth potential.

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